Sunday, April 06, 2008

En 1964 el tanquero "ESSO MARACAIBO" tumba una pila del puente

Efemérides de hoy en la Historia de Venezuela e Iberomérica (referencias de En Oriente, Portal de Apure, Diario El Tiempo, Vinicio Romero Qué celebramos hoy, y

1964: El tanquero ESSO MARACAIBO, de la Creole Petroleum Corporation, choca contra la pila 31 del puente General Rafael Urdaneta, derrumbando 259 metros de estructura. Cuatro vehículos cayeron a las profundidades del Lago de Maracaibo, dejando un saldo de siete víctimas.

Imagen sacada de acá.

Efemérides de hoy en la Historia Universal (referencia de la BBC, wikipedia y

402 - Stilicho stymies the Visigoths under Alaric in the Battle of Pollentia.

1199 - Muerte Ricardo Corazón de León, rey de Inglaterra.

1320 - The Scots reaffirm their independence by signing the Declaration of Arbroath.

1327 - The poet Petrarch first sees his idealized love, Laura, in the church of Saint Clare in Avignon.

1385 - John, Master of the Order of Aviz, is made king John I of Portugal.

1652 - Dutch sailor Jan van Riebeeck establishes a resupply camp at the Cape of Good Hope, which eventually becomes Cape Town.

1671 - Nace el escritor francés Jean-Baptiste Rousseau.

1793 - During the French Revolution, the Committee of Public Safety becomes the executive organ of the republic, and the period known as the Reign of Terror begins.

1814 - Napoleon abdicates. He is then exiled to Elba.

1830 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is organized by Joseph Smith, Jr. and others at Fayette, New York.

1860 - Joseph Smith III, creates the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by reorganizing the previous church organized by his father, Joseph Smith, Jr.

1862 - American Civil War: Battle of Shiloh begins - In Tennessee, forces under Union General Ulysses S. Grant meet Confederate troops led by General Albert Sidney Johnston.

1865 - American Civil War: Battle of Sayler's Creek - Confederate General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia fights its last major battle while in retreat from Richmond, Virginia.

1866 - The Grand Army of the Republic, an American patriotic organization composed of Union veterans of the American Civil War, is founded. It lasts until 1956.

1869 - Celluloid is patented.

1893 - Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints dedicated by Wilford Woodruff.

1896 - Apertura de los primeros Juegos Olímpicos modernos en Grecia.

1930 - Gandhi raises a lump of mud and salt and declares, "With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire." Thus he starts Salt Satyagraha.

1992 - Muere en Nueva York el escritor de ciencia ficción Isaac Asimov.

Primera Guerra, Fascismos y Segunda Guerra Mundial

1917 - World War I: United States declares war on Germany (see President Woodrow Wilson's address to Congress).

1941 - World War II: Operation Castigo begins; Germany invades Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Greece.

Guerra Fría

1994 - The Rwandan Genocide begins when the aircraft carrying Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira is shot down.

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