Thursday, April 09, 2009

Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders

Me escriben para divulgar este seminario:
Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders
Seminario (Mayo 26 al 31 de 2009, Berlín)

Le escribo para anunciar los detalles del próximo seminario que hará parte del programa Europe meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders, organizado por el Institute for Cultural Diplomacy de Berlin. Actualmente estamos aceptando solicitudes para participar en el seminario y le agradecería si usted pudiera transmitir este mensaje, (el texto a seguir en la siguiente pagina) a los estudiantes que considere estarían interesados en participar.

Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders es el primer programa bilateral entre las regiones de Europa y Latino América organizado por el Instituto. El seminario pretende reunir jóvenes líderes de todo el mundo para discutir la relación entre estas dos regiones y analizar en qué forma se puede fortalecer las relaciones por medio de un intercambio cultural organizado. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de interactuar con autoridades en los temas de diplomacia cultural, académicos, políticos y sociedad civil. A su vez podrán formar parte una red de contactos activa de la que hacen parte individuos con intereses similares.

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy- ICD es una organización independiente, sin ánimo de lucro, no-gubernamental basada en Berlín. Nuestra meta es promover la Diplomacia Cultural en teoría y practica.

Quiero Agradecerle de antemano por su colaboración en dar a conocer este Seminario entre sus estudiantes y personas que pudieran estar interesadas.


Mark Donfried

Fundador y Director
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
Tel: (+49) 30 2360 7680

Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders
Weeklong Seminar (May 26th – 31st, 2009, Berlin)

Call for Applications

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is delighted to announce the details of the forthcoming Weeklong Seminar for our program Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders, which will take place in Berlin from 26th – 31st May, 2009.

Who can apply?
The program is open to applications from university students and young professionals with an active interest in European-Latin American relations.

What will the Weeklong Seminar involve?
The program for the Weeklong Seminar will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, and cultural activities in and around Berlin. The participants will meet with leading figures from the political, diplomatic, academic and civil society spheres to discuss the state of relations between Europe and Latin America and consider how they can be supported through organised cultural exchange.

What is the aim of the Weeklong Seminar?
The Seminar aims to inform the participants about the field of Cultural Diplomacy and its importance today, raise awareness of key issues in the European-Latin American Relationship, create a network between the Seminar participants, and give them creative ideas and support for future initiatives they can organise.

What happens after the Seminar?
After completing the Weeklong Seminar, the participants become members of the Europe Meets Latin America Forum. They are then supported by the ICD in conducting research, in organising and developing leadership initiatives, and are invited to join the ICD Online Forum where they can network with the other Young Leaders from around the world. The Forum activity is aimed at creating sustainable initiatives that bring to Europe and Latin American closer together.

Where can I find more information?

Further information about the next Weeklong Seminar, including the online application forum, can be found under:

Further information about the Forum as a whole can be found under:

Further information about the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy can be found under:

Any enquiries regarding the program can be sent to

We look forward to your contact,

The Europe Meets Latin America Team
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

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